Our servicesoffering
Industries must have a better understanding and strive to respond to environmental challenges

in the scope of fluid control and shut-off solutions, IFC ensures the adaptability of the control devices and proposes different types of actuators: Pneumatic, electric or hydraulic.
Receipt of goods
Working operation and tightness tests (hydrostatic tests) may be achieved in Customer or representative presence, in our Workshop in Petit-couronne.
IFC can carrry out an on-site diagnosis and check perfect adequation between product and fluid : functionality, security, etc. IFC offers also a supervisor assistance as part of the preventive or curative maintenance of products on site.
Stock of products
Customized design
IFC has a wide range of control, regulation and shut-off solutions based on proven needs. IFC can also propose customized design solutions for specific dimensional requirements or working conditions. For this purpose, it has a Research and Development design office.
Any Question ?
Our Departments and staff are at your disposal for all information
Our Customers have generally an idea of required product type (relief valves, butterfly valves, knife gates valves, etc.) and also of operating and working conditions (pressure, fluid, temperature, etc.). Our Sales engineers, in conformity with application, define appropriate materials, coatings, seals, accessories, etc.
Yes, solutions proposed on webside, represent a panel of possible realisations.
Those data sheets are enclosed in installation manual provided with products delivery. Those contractual documents also include maintenance instructions.
IFC has a significant stock of current products with thousands of references (It represents some hundreds of millions of euros in commercial value). it happens that the products required are out of stock, average delivery of products will be from 4 to 6 weeks.
Our workhouse in Petit Couronne are equipped to realised the reception and product tests on bench test.
Together with the supply of industrial products, we propose other services such as installation, commissionning and the training of operational staff.
We require our customer to describe the malfunction reported. Depending on description, we can propose you to send equipment on palet to our workshop, to estimate and quote renovation or replacement of product.
Yes, a lot of customers ask us for renovation of products, it is an economically interresting alternative. When it is possible (quality of bodies) we carry out necessary changes (seals, gaskets, accessories, actuators, control devices, etc.) and test products according to working conditions.